Girls’ Day 2024
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In April, we once again welcomed three girls to our Girls’ Day Future Day. Dear girls, a big compliment, you showed us a lot of interest … Read More

New: Interactive assortment list
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From now on, it will be easier for you to find the right products. An interactive assortment list has been added to our website. Here you … Read More

We are hiring!
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You love beeing a gardener (m/f/d) and wants to find the best workplace? Try it with us. On request also with a short taster internship in … Read More

A Princess in our work basket!
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Helau Geldern! If you have a die-hard carnival fan in your team, even that can happen: This year, we were allowed to help the reigning carnival … Read More

Invited to the Union summit in Berlin
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As a business representative of the Kleve district, Andreas Pellens was invited to the CDU/CSU summit in Berlin at the end of January. The CDU/CSU parliamentary … Read More

IPM 2024
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Indoor Hydrangeas in fresh spring colours Special indoor hydrangeas are an IPM focus for Pellens Hortensien this year. As a specialist for hydrangea as raw and … Read More

Entrepreneurs evening in our greenhouses
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Invited by the Economic Development Department of the City of Geldern, around 100 entrepreneurs from Geldern recently came together for an Entrepreneurs’ Evening in our greenhouses. … Read More

Honorary award from the Saarland Ministry of the Environment
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Wo got good news from Mannheim again: The Ministry for Environment, Climate, Mobility, Agriculture and Consumer Protection Saarland awarded us an honorary prize. Within the framework … Read More

New Wages
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The representatives of employees and employers in the NRW horticultural sector have agreed on new collective wages. Andreas Pellens heads the wage commission in the state … Read More

Great Gold Medal of Buga Mannheim
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A “Great Goldmedal” of the National Garden Show (Bundesgartenschau/Buga) in Mannheim is now lying in our hands. It was awarded to us for “a diverse assortment … Read More

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